A global competence center that accelerates the electrification of society

The Arctic Center of Energy is an ambitious initiative to accelerate society's sustainable energy transition. Through research and education we create the knowledge and abilities required to succeed with the electrification of society.

Our home is in Skellefteå – at the heart of northern Sweden's transition to a sustainable future. The region has the right conditions to lead this change. And we are part of driving it forward.

Through unique meeting places, test beds, and lab environments, we bring together the world's leading actors in electrification.

The initiators behind Arctic Center of Energy are Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå Kraft, Northvolt and Skellefteå municipality.

Arctic Center of Energy – Empowering the possible.

Do you want to know more about the Arctic Center of Energy?
Don't hesitate to contact us.